Monday, June 13, 2011

At anchor in Put-In Creek off Mobjack Bay in the Chesapeake

After a few days back in Deltaville (one minor repair, one engine tune-up, and work done on the dinghy chaps) we headed south on Sunday with the objective of visiting our favorite restaurant, the White Dog Inn in Mathews, VA. They were closed from 3 to 5 on Sunday, but although we arrived at 3:15 our tale of woe (bringing the boat 5 hours down to Mobjack Bay, then a dinghy ride up Put-In-Creek, then a 3/4 mile walk into town) was enough that they let us come in anyway, and they not only gave us a beer, they fed us! Got back to the boat in time for another thunderstorm, then took a long swim and had a hot airless night aboard. Today it's cooler, but waves are high in the Chesapeake so we're spending another day here. Slowly heading north but enjoying the journey.

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