Friday, October 7, 2011

Headed South!

Coming into AC
After far too long at her mooring, Deeper Season finally took to the seas again yesterday. We're headed south! We left Raritan Yacht Club just before sunrise (6:25 AM), enjoyed a gorgeous day of blue skies, calm seas and just enough wind from the northwest to speed us along. At about 6 PM we headed into Atlantic City inlet, and made our way to a beautiful anchorage in Brigantine.

Anchor down!
 All seemed well (except for a little bickering between the two on board about where to drop the hook in order to best see the sunset) until we went to lower the anchor and found our windlass wasn't working. The anchor line was stuck, but Bill managed to get it freed up, and he manually set the anchor just before dark.

Bill on cleaning duty
 It was a totally calm night, in a totally protected anchorage, so no problem. This morning it was a trial getting it up, but we did it (I washed, Bill pulled). We are now over at Kemmerer's in Atlantic City, where they just happened to have a mechanic coming in to work on somone else's windlass this morning. We're keeping fingers crossed he can get us back in shape. Meanwhile, we fueled up, watered up, pumped out, and gave the boat a quick wash.
It's only 4 hours to Cape May, so we may yet get there today. Boats!

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